Terms & Conditions
Referrals for children are accepted from parents, carers, and all lead professionals working with children and young people. All referrals however will need written consent from the person holding parental responsibility for the child. A consent form is provided by the service.
Session Times and Frequency
All cases will be discussed, and individual requirements are taken into account; however, as a general rule sessions are of 45 minutes duration and take place on a regular day and time each week.
There is no set limit to the number of sessions that each client has, as this depends on the individual need.
Planned and Unplanned Endings
Regular reviews will take place with the referrer throughout the period of the clients’ therapeutic intervention. The frequency of the reviews will be dependent on the client’s needs.
Towards the end of the intervention and to maintain the integrity of the work that has taken place, a future date for a therapeutic and healthy planned ending will be discussed with the referrer and person holding parental responsibility.
Unplanned endings, where a child suddenly ceases therapy, are discouraged and where at all possible should be avoided.
Cancellations and Holidays
Non-attended sessions will be charged at the normal session rate unless at least 24hrs notice is given. Notification of any holidays or absence given in advance will not be charged for.
All resources, consumption of and general wear and tear, will be covered by the therapist. In the unlikely event of serious damage to property, a contribution to the cost of replacement or repair may be requested.
Safeguarding and confidentiality
We believe that a child or young person should never experience abuse of any kind. We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people and to keep them safe. We are committed to practising in a way that protects them.
Whilst sessions are bound by confidentiality, there are occasions when an incident is reported that falls within the realms of a safeguarding concern. On such an occasion we will seek advice from the local Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).
(Our full Safeguarding Policy is available on request.)
Only essential data will be held about referrers, parents and clients. All data will be kept securely in accordance with data protection laws and guidelines. As a PTUK therapist, session notes and limited personal data will be held on a central database. Only the therapist will have access to personal data, but PTUK may use anonymised statistics for research into the effectiveness of play therapy.
On completion of our work, data will be kept for the clients life time
(Our full data protection policy is available on request.)
· Enhanced DBS clearance
· Professional Liability Insurance
· On-going Supervision
· Registered Member of PTUK (Play Therapy UK)
· Accredited by the Professional Standards Authority, for Health and Social Care (PSA)
· Continued professional development- accredited training recognised by PTUK
Please note: Therapeutic Play Sessions are offered by the Therapist for the sole benefit of the client, their health and wellbeing and for therapy only.